Well, we went on vacation last friday to my Grandparent's house in Arkansas. They live out in the middle of no where on the White River. It's beautiful. It's nice and quiet and away from the big city. Just what we needed. We've been able to go fishing and we've actually caught some fish. I caught at least two and my mom, grandpa and hubby caught some too.
Every county in Arkansas is under a burn ban so there were no fireworks. :( It was sad. I missed seeing the fireworks this year. Since we live in the city, we don't get to play with them or shoot them off. So, when we come to my grandparents house, it's nice to do that.
Here is a few pics from our fishing trip yesterday.
The steps that take us down to the water. This is from their backyard.
Me taking my own picture before we get in the boat.
You can barely see my hubby's feet in the window. He said it was too hot and didn't want to go
out yesterday. So he watched from the window recliner.
Mom and Grandpa getting ready to go fishing.
Grandpa getting the boat positioned so we could get in.
Out on the lake. Boy was the view beautiful.
My life savor. Nothing better than 100 SPF. I burn like an water cooking in oil, but this
kept me pretty well protected. I sat in the sun for 2 hours straight and nothing happened. That's rare.
Grandpa caught a fish. Mom and I were pretty excited.
We didn't have a net so he had to fling him into the boat.
Just another vacation, makin' memories!!
It's so nice to see your Grandpa and Mom again, and I remember the view from their backyard (steps, White River). Is the swing still there? I used to sit there every Sunday :-).
Ana (from Germany)