
One by land...

Today was another beautiful day in Boston. If you thought yesterday was cold, you should have been here today. It was 12 degrees. It sounds worse than it really was....... so I thought!!

Luckily I had brought some thermal pants and put those on under my jeans. That helped keep my legs warm. It might have helped if I had brought warmer socks instead of the ankle ones.

Since we are an hour ahead, I figured we would have slept in some since we walked a lot yesterday. No, not us. Hubby and I were up at 5:30 our time, 6:30 Boston time.

So we decided we should go get some breakfast. So we ate in the hotel and were able to watch the morning commuters as they headed off to work. The women were hilarious to watch. They would dress up so nice in their knee skirts and high heels and stand on the street corner trying to catch the bus or wait for the traffic to stop so they could cross the street. They looked so cold and miserable, and I was so warm with my cup of coffee and fire place eating pastries.

Today we walked a lot Boston. I think we almost saw the whole city. We were going to go see Harvard but it turned out that we weren't going to have enough time. So we will have to save that for another trip back.

We also walk through the Boston Common Park, which was really cool to visit. There were squirrels running around every where and my dad actually fed one with out of his hand. It was amazing to see how the little guy just ran right up to us and took pistachio.

I hope you enjoy the pictures. There are a lot. Sorry for that!!! But I love to capture everything.

We found this old book store, so we had to stop in and check it out.

Then we walked past this building called, The Old South Meeting House. It was used as a meeting hall and the Boston Tea Party started here too.

Inside The Old South Meeting House 

The Old City Hall building. 

A statue of Benjamin Franklin outside the Old City Hall building, in the court yard.

Then we walked around the city some more and ran into the cemetery where Benjamin Franklin's parents, Paul Revere, and John Hancock were buried.

The Franklin's grave. 

John Hancock's grave. 

Here is a plaque for Paul Revere. His actual tomb stone is on the right. The little one. That's where he's buried.

We then walked through the Boston Common Park and ran into this little guy. He ate a pistachio right out of dad's hand..... litterally.

Then we flew off to Iceland!!!

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